Posts by Collection



A size-dependent ductile fracture model: Constitutive equations, numerical implementation and validation

Scherer, J. M. & Hure, J. (2019). European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids

Size effects have been predicted at the micro- or nano-scale for porous ductile materials from Molecular Dynamics, Discrete Dislocation Dynamics and Continuum Mechanics numerical simulations, as a consequence of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations or due to the presence of a void matrix interface. As voids size decreases, … Read more


Strain gradient crystal plasticity with evolving length scale: Application to voided irradiated materials

Scherer, J. M., Besson, J., Forest, S., Hure, J. & Tanguy, B. (2019). European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids

A micromorphic crystal plasticity model is used to simulate slip band localization in single crystals under simple shear at finite deformations. Closed form analytical solutions are derived for single slip in the case of positive, zero and negative strain hardening… Read more


Strain localization and ductile fracture in single crystals: application to irradiated austenitic stainless steels

Scherer, J. M. (2020). Université Paris Sciences & Lettres

For their excellent mechanical and oxidation properties, austenitic stainless steels are widely used in the nuclear industry, in particular for structural applications inside the core of reactors. However the substantial neutron irradiation levels these materials can be exposed to can detrimentally affect their mechanical properties. A sharp drop of toughness is indeed observed as the irradiation dose increases … Read more


Lagrange multiplier based vs micromorphic gradient-enhanced rate-(in) dependent crystal plasticity modelling and simulation

Scherer, J. M., Phalke, V., Besson, J., Forest, S., Hure, J. & Tanguy, B. (2020). Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

A reduced strain gradient crystal plasticity theory which involves the gradient of a single scalar field is presented. Rate-dependent and rate-independent crystal plasticity settings are considered. The theory is then reformulated following first the micromorphic approach and second a Lagrange multiplier approach … Read more


Micromorphic crystal plasticity approach to damage regularization and size effects in martensitic steels

Lindroos, M., Scherer, J. M., Forest, S., Laukkanen, A., Andersson, T., Vaara, J., Mäntylä, A. & Frondelius, T. (2021). International Journal of Plasticity

A reduced micromorphic model is formulated in the scope of crystal plasticity and crystalline cleavage damage. The finite strain formulation utilizes a single additional microvariable that is used to regularize localized inelastic deformation mechanisms. Damage is formulated as a strain-like variable to fit the generalized micromorphic microslip and/or microdamage based formulation … Read more


A strain gradient plasticiy model of porous single crystal ductile fracture

Scherer, J. M., Besson, J., Forest, S., Hure, J. & Tanguy, B. (2021). Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

A strain gradient void-driven ductile fracture model of single crystals is proposed and applied to simulate crack propagation in single and oligo-crystal specimens. The model is based on a thermodynamical framework for homogenized porous solids unifying and generalizing existing thermodynamical formulations. This porous single crystal ductile fracture model relies on a multi-surface representation of porous crystal plasticity … Read more


Modeling size effects in microwire torsion: A comparison between a reduced-order micromorphic and the CurlFp strain gradient crystal plasticity models

Phalke, V., Kaiser, T., Scherer, J. M. & Forest, S. (2022). European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids

The size-dependent response of metallic microwires under monotonic and cyclic torsion is modeled using a reduced-order strain gradient crystal plasticity model involving a single scalar micromorphic variable. It is compared with the response predicted by the CurlF p model proposed in Kaiser and Menzel (2019a), which is based on the full dislocation density tensor … Read more


An assessment of anisotropic phase-field models of brittle fracture

Scherer, J. M., Brach, S. & Bleyer, J. (2022). Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

In several classes of ductile and brittle materials consisting of different cleavage planes, an orientation dependency of the fracture process is observed. It leads for instance to complex failure behaviours and crack paths in polycrystalline or architected materials. This paper focuses on modeling anisotropy of brittle fracture by means of a variational phase-field approach … Read more


Homogenized constitutive equations for porous single crystals plasticity

Senac, C., Scherer, J. M., Hure, J., Helfer, T. & Tanguy, B. (2022). European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids

Ductile fracture through void growth to coalescence occurs at the grain scale in numerous metallic alloys encountered in engineering applications. Classical models used to perform numerical simulations of ductile fracture, like the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model and its extensions, are relevant for the case of large voids compared to the grain size, in which a homogenization of the material behavior over a large number of grains is used … Read more





Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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